Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Natural Vitamins (so gud)

Such great natural vitamins

LOVE: This is the most essentialingredient of all spiritual food

EMPATHY: Helps to reduce negativeemotions and increases tolerance.

HUMILITY: Essential for removing prideand ego.

PATIENCE: Essential for strengtheningCharacter.

HONESTY: Enhances spiritual integrity

KINDNESS: Vitamin "K" acts as a bufferfor easy processing of other ingredients.

CONTENTMENT: Alleviates heartburnand acid indigestion, brings inner peaceand happiness.

SILENCE: Reduces restlessness of mindand brings one closer to the Lord.

CONSCIENCE: A regular dose of thisvitamin will improve thoughts, words andactions.

DETACHMENT: Regular intake of thisvitamin will reduce effects of attachmentand bondage.

PEACE: This vitamin stimulates theimmune response to help the bodydefend itself against external influences.

DISCIPLINE: A complex vitaminabsolutely essential, for cultivating virtues.

JOY: One should be happy after eating,not have indigestion.

TRUTH: Listen to your "inner voice."or God words. Beware of substitutes.

SELF AUDIT: Daily dose will help to alignourselves with our highest values andethics.

1 comment:

Ou Lik Ee said...

Hey.. Lik Ee here.. Just drop by to say hi.. How are you though? Hope that you are fine there.. God bless...