I was just having this statement made by several authors of books, that people are bonded by experiences in life and it is one of the foundation that help couple to stay together aside from God ..
Let see how i can put it together.
For example,couple share life ups and downs together, they stay together through things as simple as enjoying meals and talking about things together for years. if by chance, both of you like to travel, then the experiences of travelling together will help you to stick together.
I understand the point that alot of time people simply grow out of love or face obstacles in their relationship despite having experiencing the love previously. Probably its the same case that even if you know God is good and have indeed shown you He is, you as a human still doubt especially when life is hard.
For me, as random as it is,to ponder about, wouldn't it be really hard to part with people if you have been sharing life for years. the thoughts of it bring such pain to me...